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Insights from AIHHP Council Member Helen Hollywell

February 11, 2024

Monmouth-based audiologist and AIHHP stalwart Helen Hollywell has been happy to recently share some key insights into the life of a modern audiologist.

An Unexpected Journey into Audiology

Helen Hollywell’s journey into audiology was as unexpected as it is fascinating. Initially aspiring to be a sports journalist, Helen’s path took a turn when she started working at Boots Opticians. This experience sparked her interest in patient contact and led her to pursue a career in audiology. Her story is a testament to the varied and dynamic nature of the audiology field, highlighting how diverse backgrounds can enrich the profession.

The Evolution of Hearing Aids

The journey of hearing aid technology over the past two decades is a tale of remarkable transformation and societal impact. Helen’s insights provide a unique perspective on how this evolution has advanced technology and shifted public perception and acceptance.

A Technological Leap From Analogue to Digital

Helen recalls transitioning from analogue to digital hearing aids, a significant leap in audiology. The early days of adjusting hearing aids with little trimmers for bass and treble, using screwdrivers, seem almost archaic compared to today’s advanced digital models. This shift to digital technology marked the beginning of a new era in hearing aid design and functionality, offering users a level of customization and clarity that was previously unimaginable.

Bridging Connectivity and Accessibility with Wireless Technology

The introduction of wireless technology and Bluetooth connectivity has been a game-changer. Hearing aids are no longer just devices to improve hearing; they have become multifunctional gadgets that can connect to mobile phones and stream audio directly. This technological advancement has made hearing aids more appealing, especially to the younger generation, who see them as electronic devices offering a range of functionalities beyond just hearing assistance.

Changing Perceptions on Hearing Aids

Helen notes a significant shift in how hearing aids are perceived, especially among different age groups. While fitting hearing aids can be more challenging for older individuals due to concerns about appearance and stigma, younger users are often more focused on the device’s capabilities, such as connectivity and streaming options. This change in focus from purely medical to technological and lifestyle enhancement has helped reduce the stigma associated with wearing hearing aids.

The Role of Aesthetics and Functionality

Interestingly, Helen points out that hearing aids are getting larger, much like the trend seen with mobile phones, to accommodate more features. This increase in size has not deterred users, indicating a shift in priorities where functionality and capabilities outweigh the desire for discreetness. This acceptance of larger devices is a stark contrast to the past, where the emphasis was heavily on making hearing aids as small and inconspicuous as possible. This versatility is key to changing public perception and making hearing aids a desirable technology for a broader audience. The evolution of hearing aid technology highlights a significant shift not only in the devices themselves but in societal attitudes towards them.

The Impact of Location and Community

Operating a successful audiology practice in Monmouth, Helen discusses the importance of location and community in her work. Her practice has grown from a single consultation room to four, catering to a wide catchment area. This growth underscores the significance of being accessible and embedded in the community, a factor that has been crucial in her practice’s success.

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities

Helen candidly shares her challenges as an independent audiologist, particularly the initial loneliness of working solo. However, she emphasizes the importance of community and peer support, especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic brought unique challenges and opportunities, such as strengthening relationships with local GP surgeries for wax removal services.

The Benefits of AIHHP Membership

For Helen, the primary benefit of AIHHP membership has been the sense of community and networking. The ability to share experiences, challenges, and solutions with peers has been invaluable, particularly during times of uncertainty like the pandemic. This support network is crucial for independent practitioners who might otherwise feel isolated in their professional journey.

A Passion for Sports and an Active Lifestyle

Helen Hollywell’s love for sports extends from her support for Aston Villa to her active participation in running and swimming. Her enthusiasm for athletics and an outdoor lifestyle reflects her dynamic and health-conscious personality.

Family and Indoor Relaxation

Balancing her active life, Helen cherishes family time, especially with her nieces and nephews. She also enjoys indoor activities like puzzles, a hobby that offers her relaxation and mental stimulation.

Embracing Personal Challenges

Helen is not one to shy away from challenges. Whether training for a half marathon or engaging in physical activities, she embraces these opportunities with zeal, showcasing her dedication to personal growth and resilience.

In summary, Helen Hollywell’s diverse interests, ranging from sports to family and personal challenges, paint a picture of a well-rounded individual whose life extends far beyond her professional realm in audiology.